Friday, April 12, 2013

Rant on state of United States economy

Ok, so everyone is talking about the economy, and the budget, and all that other stuff. Everyone has their own opinion on how to fix the economy. Some say that we should just let businesses do whatever, some believe in a damn near hostile take over of businesses. Obama even said he wants to up the minimum wage to 9.00 per hour. GREAT! I like it. More money in my pocket. I'm not under threat of losing my job. I've been there two years, and remain in good standing. I feel sorry for those who, if that does become the new minimum wage who do. I know what it's like trying to find a job and having 0 luck. I can't get so much as an interview sometimes! It's the way it is right now. But there is a solution! Listen to me when I say; we can fix the economy and become a profitable nation once again! What do we need to do?

Obama said last year that by 2016 he wanted to add one million manufacturing jobs. Ok. I can work with him on that, and I'm not an Obama supporter by very many means. I like him, but I don't like most of his policies. Here is my initial quick fix for the lack of manufacturing jobs. Open back up the oil refineries that YOU (Obama) closed! Guess what that does?! It increases jobs, increases gasoline production, and makes gas prices DROP! Who could disagree with that? I know I wouldn't.

I got to thinking though, after that. What could we also do to increase the amount of jobs in America. Well, we have a problem with outsourced jobs. Companies outsourced jobs to other countries like Mexico, China (nice apple, making it where the iPad doesn't capitalize China.. Shows how much you enjoy your child labor), Canada, just to name a few. I've already mentioned Apple, so ill use them as my target. I hope one of my arrows hits them in the knee. (I know I know, old joke. I'm not very good with a gun, yet.)

Apple manufactures the microchips used in their products in Austin, TX. Better technology, better educated people to make them. They than ship the chips to China to be put together. All your Apple products, the iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac PCs, are all products of CHILD LABOR in CHINA! They can pay Chinese children as little as 7 cents (USD) A DAY! Ad we buy their products for hundreds to thousands of dollars. Really? Ok. I've got an idea. Lets make importing products even more expensive. Make everything to expensive to import! Tariffs! We used them to excellent effects, sort of, in the early years so the United States. We owed millions after the revolutionary war, and guess what? With tariffs, we paid it completely off by the Andrew Jackson administration. One of the only good things to come from that P.O.S. individual. I say take him off our money and put Theodore Roosevelt on it. Much better president.

Now that tariffs are in place, set temporary price caps on goods that a manufactured in America, to increase American business revenue, meaning they can hire more people at higher wages, and still be PROFITABLE. I am putting key words in caps because it helps. Also, if you're based in America but have outsourced manufacturing jobs or a majority of your workforce to other countries, you are not an American business, so get the (insert foul language here) out of here or bring your jobs back to America, you swine of a company.

With increased revenue from tariffs, guess what we can do with taxes? We can LOWER them! We won't need nearly as much revenue from taxes, because outsourced businesses are now paying a lot of money in tariffs.

This is temporary though. Eventually companies like Bane and Apple will bring their jobs back to America, and taxes on businesses will need to be increased to make up for the loss of tariff revenue. In the time that takes, our economy will pick back up and our unemployment will go back down to under 5% which is considered fully employed.

All it takes to come up with that is half a semester of an introductory to economics class. Get out of here Ben Stein, you're not helping.

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